Integration Guide


This guide will help you quickly get connected to the Lsports data stream.

Step 1: Access Credentials

Contact Your CSM: Your dedicated Customer Success Manager (CSM) will provide you with your login credentials (Username, Password, Package ID).

Step 2: Enable Distribution

  • API Request: You must enable your distribution before starting to consume messages.

  • Request Endpoint:

    • Enable:

    • Disable:

  • Request Body:

        "PackageId": "YOUR_PACKAGE_ID",
        "UserName": "YOUR_USERNAME",
        "Password": "YOUR_PASSWORD"
  • Response:

        "Header": {
            "HttpStatusCode": 200 // Or other status code
        "Body": {
            "Message": "Success" // Or other message

Step 3: Establish a Connection

RabbitMQ (cloudAMQP): Lsports uses RabbitMQ, hosted on AWS Ireland.

Connection Strings:

RMQ Consumer (PHP)RMQ Consumer (GO)RMQ Consumer (Node.js)RMQ Consumer (Python)RMQ Consumer (JavaScript)RMQ Consumer (C#)

Connection Setup (Example using C#):

// 1. Create a connection
IConnection connection = _connectionFactory.CreateConnection();

// 2. Create a model
IModel model = connection.CreateModel();

// 3. Configure Quality of Service
model.BasicQos(prefetchSize: 0, prefetchCount: 100, global: false);

// 4. Consume Messages 
EventingBasicConsumer consumer = new EventingBasicConsumer(model);

consumer.Received += (sender, eventArgs) =>
    // Deserialize Message
    // Call method to handle deserialized message

// 5. Start message consumption (Replace '_102030_' with your Package ID)
model.BasicConsume(queue: '_YOUR_PACKAGE_ID_', noAck: true, consumer: consumer);

Step 4: Data Mapping

Lsports Markets: Ensure your internal market mapping aligns with Lsports' market structure. Use the GetMarkets method to obtain a comprehensive list of available markets, or contact your CSM.

Step 5: Stress Test

  • Simulate High-Volume Traffic: Once your system is running, perform a stress test to simulate high-volume traffic.

  • Schedule with Your CSM: Contact your CSM or Solution Engineer to schedule a stress test.

Step 6: Go Live

  • Production Readiness: Once your system is ready, contact your CSM to schedule a go-live date.

  • Production Setup: We will switch your account from testing to production and set up the ordered quota.

Congratulations! You've successfully integrated with TRADE360! Now, you're ready to unlock the exciting possibilities of our product and enhance your offerings.

Last updated

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