Fixture Logs

The fixture logs screen is where you can view all the fixtures logs list, you can select a fixture from the list and later on, track the data and investigate it when needed, both in PreMatch and InPlay.

  • The screen displays all fixtures with at least 1 message from TRADE360, up to 7 days after the End of the event’s last update of the fixture.

Fixture Logs - Main Screen:

On this screen, you can view all of your ordered fixtures, in InPlay and PreMatch, and then you can select a fixture from the list and view all the logs he received on it.

Tables columns are:

  • Sport – sport name. The column has a filter option.

  • Location – location name. The column has a filter option. This filter is disabled until you filter per sport.

  • Competition - competition name. The column has a filter option. This filter is disabled until you filter per sports and locations.

  • Fixture –

    • Standard sport: The participants of the fixture- home team VS away team

    • Outright sport: Outrights- <competition name>

    • Outright league: Outrights- <competition name>

  • Fixture ID – the fixture ID of the fixture.

  • Livescore - No score/ the current livescore result of the fixture (if we cover it live) or the final result if the fixture is finished, For example, 1:2.

View Log Screen:

The screen displays all messages sent on this fixture.

Tables columns are:

  • Message Seq – Message sequence as sent in the message itself.

    • The message sequence is sequential per type of message and market. For example, each market has its sequence, each livescore message has its sequence, not related to market messages, each resulting message has its own sequence, etc.

      • For example, each message update for the 1X2 market will contain a message sequence element. So in case, you receive MsgSeq = 10 that means for a fact that there are messages with sequences 1-9, that way you can determine whether you got all your market updates.

      • In case your package loses connection, the message flow doesn't stop, and when you reconnect, the numbering will not start from the beginning, it will continue in the same sequence.

  • Sent Time – date and time message sent to you in the following format:

  • Message Type – the message type.

    • OutrightLeague- in Prematch only (for fixtures form type 'outright league' only)

    • OutrightFixture- (fixture metadata) in Prematch & inplay

    • Fixtures- (fixture metadata) in Prematch & inplay

    • Outrightscore- (Livescore message)

      • InPlay for livescore during the game

      • PreMatch for final results.

    • FixtureLivescore- (Livescore message)

      • InPlay for livescore during the game

      • PreMatch for final results.

    • FixtureMarket- (market update message) for odds in PreMatch or InPlay according to the package

    • OutrightFixtureMarket- (market update message) for odds in PreMatch or InPlay according to the package

    • OutrightLeagueMarket- market update message

    • Settlements- in Inplay only

    • OutrightSettlements

  • Market Name – if it is a market update message this column specifies the market name.

  • Livescore – if it is a Livescore message this column specifies the current livescore.

  • Delivered – if the message was sent successfully to your queue.

  • Message GUID – Display the specific Message GUID in the column

  • You have the ability to view more details of the following messages:

    • Market Update

    • Livescore Update

      • Will include 2 columns:

        • Description- the values under that will be: period, score, status

        • Change- the values under that will be: <period>, <score>, <status>

    • Settlement update– note there are 5 different icons, each one will be displayed with a tooltip:

      • Win- next to the winner will be a green smiley face

      • Lose- the lost odds will be in red

      • Refund - will be a dollar icon

      • Half-Win

      • Half-Lose

      • Canceled

View Log Message

  • For each market message in PreMatch or InPlay, when you press on the ‘View log’ button, TRADE360 displays a popup containing the message log sent to you including the provider's odds for that market.

  • All of the relevant changes in the odds will be sent, even if they did not reach the minimum difference so that the calculation could be done on all of the relevant data received and not on partial data.

  • For example, Market 1X2 - change has been applied only on bet 1, since X and 2 are affected by the recalculation, but do not fall under the min difference, they will be updated as well and sent to the ProviderOdds section.

  • If there's a market with a line, and only one bet is being sent from a specific line (for instance: under 2.5), then you will get the Provider Odds for the second bet (for instance: Over 2.5).

  • Show message: Messages are displayed according to the format in the package configuration (XML/JSON).

Last updated