
Welcome to the notifications configuration guide. This feature is designed to provide you with important and sensitive real-time updates regarding your account.

To locate the notification configuration screen, you need to access the top-side menu and select "Configuration". After that, click on "Notifications" to access the notification center.

You can set notifications as described below:

System Notifications

  • Distributor:

    • Distributor about to reach 5-8k: RMQ reaches 5000 or 8000

    • Distributor about to reach its limit

    • The distributor has reached its limit, it’s closed and disabled: RMQ reaches 10k

    • Distributor is disabled

    • Distributor is enabled

  • Quota:

    • A new quota was added

Bell notification

‘push notifications’ which is an in-app notification (the users could still get email notifications as well)

  • The notification actions are per user- unread notifications will be indicated based on the actions of the individual user.

  • The notifications in the bell will be shown for only 48 hours

Last updated