Fixture Logs
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Welcome to the Fixture Logs guide, here you will find everything you need to know about the fixture investigation for both PreMatch and InPlay. The main screen provides a comprehensive list of all your ordered fixtures, including sport types, locations, competitions, fixture IDs, livescores, and fixture statuses. By clicking on a specific fixture, you can view all the received logs, including the messages updates, market name, livescore, delivered status, and message view. Additionally, you can download the logs in CSV format (The specific messages are not included in the CSV file, but you can download them from the message preview).
Fixture search:
Using this search, you can find a specific fixture no matter what sports type table you're on.
Local and Global Search: The search capability is divided into two distinct sections: local search and global search.
Local Search: This is applied to the specific screen you are currently on, allowing you to perform a targeted search within your existing context.
By typing the search value and clicking on 'enter', the search will apply on the local search by default
Global Search: Located next to the 'All Sports' button on the sports bar, the global search offers you an expanded search area. Upon entering your search criteria, a new table will be displayed, providing a comprehensive overview of the search results.
By typing the search value and clicking on the ' all sports' results, the search will apply for all sports type
Sports bar: The sports bar displays all the sports types that you have ordered. To switch between different sport types, simply click on the corresponding sports type icon.
Using the fixture logs screen, you can access a list of all fixture logs and select a specific fixture to track and investigate.
The screen displays the item message (fixture, market, livescore, settlement) for 14 days since the message last update.
Sport – sport name. A filter option is available for the column.
Location – location name. A filter option is available for the column. This filter is disabled until you filter per sport.
Competition - competition name. A filter option is available for the column. This filter is disabled until you filter per sports and locations.
Standard sport: The participants of the fixture- home team VS away team
Outright sport: Outrights- <competition name>
Outright league: Outrights- <competition name>
Fixture ID – the fixture ID of the fixture.
Livescore - shows either the current score (if the match is being covered live) or the final result (if the match has ended). For instance, it could display a score of "1:2" to indicate that one team has scored one goal and the other team has scored two goals.
Fixture status -NSY, about to start, postponed, cancelled, finished.
The main screen presents a comprehensive list of all your ordered fixtures. Hovering over the list and clicking on the current row will select a specific fixture and access all the fixture logs.
The following will be displayed:
Send Time – date and time the message was sent.
Message Seq – Message sequence as sent in the message itself.
The sequence of messages is specific to the type of message and the market. For instance, each market has its own unique sequence, and each livescore message and resulting message also have their respective sequences that are not connected to the sequence of market messages.
Example: If you receive a message update for the 1X2 market, it will include a message sequence element. For instance, if you receive a message with MsgSeq = 10, it indicates that there are messages with sequences 1-9 that you may have missed. This helps you determine whether you have received all the necessary market updates.
If your package loses connection, the message flow will continue uninterrupted. When you reconnect, the message numbering will not restart from the beginning; instead, it will continue from where it left off in the same sequence.
Message Type
OutrightLeague - in Prematch only (for fixtures form type 'outright league' only).
OutrightFixture - (fixture metadata) in Prematch & inplay.
Fixtures- (fixture metadata) in Prematch & inplay.
Outrightscore - (Livescore message).
InPlay for livescore during the game.
PreMatch for final results.
FixtureLivescore- (Livescore message)
InPlay for livescore during the game
PreMatch for final results.
FixtureMarket- (market update message) for odds in PreMatch or InPlay according to the package
OutrightFixtureMarket- (market update message) for odds in PreMatch or InPlay according to the package
OutrightLeagueMarket- market update message
Settlements- in Inplay only
Market Name – if it is a market update message this column specifies the market name.
Livescore – If it is a Livescore message this column specifies the current livscore.
Delivered – If the message was sent successfully to your queue.
Message guid – Displays the specific Message GUID in the column.
You can view more details of the following messages:
Market Update
Livescore update: you can view the odds updates for each market
Settlement updates:
Win- next to the winner will be marked in green
Lose- the lost odds will be in marked in red
Refund - will be a marked in yellow
CSV download - if the screen was filtered by any of the columns, the CSV document will reflect that filter (The specific messages are not included in the CSV file, but you can download them from the message preview).