Fixture Lifecycle

Fixture Lifecycle

The following article will explain in depth the LSports fixture lifecycle, what each status means, and how it may impact your selected provider's market availability

Furthermore please review our Enumartions article to get familiar with fixture status ids.

Fixture StatusDescriptionStage of EventPrematch markets Available?Inplay markets Available?LiveScore messages?Source of Status UpdateState TransitionSettlements Status

Not Started Yet (NSY)

The game did not start yet

Before Start Date - Prematch




Initial status of newly created fixture

About to Start In Progress Finished Postponed Canceled Lost Coverage Abandoned Interrupted


About To Start (ATS)

The game is about to start (usually a few minutes before officially starting)

Before Start Date - InPlay

y (Unless Start Date is due)



Live Score feed

In Progress Lost Coverage Canceled


In Progress (IP)

The event is in progress

After Start Date - Inplay




Live Score feed

Lost Coverage Finished Abandoned Interrupted

According to Live feed, all possible markets prematch and Inplay will get settled as the event progress

Lost Coverage (LC)

We've lost feed coverage for the event

After Start Date - Inplay

N (Unless Start Date isn't due)



Live Score feed

In Progress Finished Abandoned



Event is over

After Start Date - prematch & Inplay




Live Score feed or Manual insertion By LSports

End of event's life cycle

Prematch and InPlay markets will get settled according to FT Result


The Player retired during the match

After Start Date - prematch & Inplay




Live Score feed or Manual insertion By LSports

End of event's life cycle

Prematch and InPlay markets will get settled according to the last known score and statistics.


While the event was ongoing, it got interrupted

After Start Date - Inplay




Live Score feed

In Progress Abandoned Finished Lost Coverage



The event got postponed prior to the kick-off

Before Start Date - Prematch




Fixture Manager

Not Started Yet Canceled



Event got canceled

Before Start Date - Prematch




Manual LSports action or automatic state transition from 'Postponed' to 'Canceled'

End of event's life cycle

Full refund for all placed bets.

Additional notes:

NSY - Not started yet. PreMatch phase. PreMatch markets are offered.

AboutToStart - The fixture is starting shortly (Note that after an ATS status, there might be a short LostCoverage).

  • OPTIONAL status is not always used.

  • Being sent as part of a Live Score message.

InProgress - The fixture is now live and Inplay markets are offered. PreMatch markets are suspended

Finished - Full-time (FT) results are confirmed. according to posted FT, all possible markets will get results, Prematch and Inplay alike.

Postponed - Status will get changed always from NSY for events that are postponed and will be played at a later time.

  • In case no new start date/time is available within 48 hours, the event will be canceled.

  • In case a new start time is available within 48 hours, we will update it to NSY with the new start time.

Interrupted - Interrupted is sent for interrupted events (for example - rain delay). We will continue the coverage once the event is renewed, under the same event ID.

Abandoned - Abandoned is a final status sent for abandoned events (player injury in Tennis for example), these matches will not resume.

LostCoverage - The live coverage for the event has been lost and it will be changed to one of the following statuses:

  • This can be seen at times between ATS and IP due to a lack of updates from the livescore feed

  • This can be seen at the end of an event due to a Full-time score disagreement

InProgress - We have managed to recover the coverage

Interrupted - commonly happens during Tennis matches due to weather conditions or player injury

  • the status is not final and the event may resume

  • After 24H w/o status change, the event will be transitioned to Lost Coverage. any unsuspended markets will get suspended.

Abandoned - Technical victory for one of the sides after the game is already started.

Finished - End of fixture lifecycle with Full-time result posted accordingly.

Canceled - Events are canceled because of one of the following reasons:

  • The event has been canceled and it will not take place in the future.

  • We have found deviation within our metadata and we need to re-create the event under a new Event ID.

Further Notes:

  • You may encounter NSY events that are offered in our InPlay section. It means that the event has no source for livescore, but we are still able to offer its InPlay odds.

  • A Fixture cannot go back to prematch state once it went inplay - exception:

    • In rare cases and most definitely due to an issue, an event may get canceled after it gets an Inplay state.

Live fixture periods behavior within the fixture's lifecycle

When an event starts, the livescore will be sent as follows:

For example, in Football (period changes during In-Progress status)

NSY → ATS → IP → 1st Half (ID 10) All 1st half markets that can be settled will be settled → Break Time (ID 80) → 2nd Half (ID 20) 2nd half markets will get settled as soon as 2nd half gets finished→ Full time (ID 100) - followed by Finished status. - All Fulltime markets will get settled.

In case overtime is being played, period changes will go as follows (status will remain in progress for the entire period)

NSY → ATS → IP → 1st Half (ID 10) all 1st half markets that can be settled will be settled → Break Time (ID 80) → 2nd Half (ID 20) 2nd half markets will get settled as soon as 2nd half gets finished → Full time (ID 100) All Fulltime markets will get settled → Overtime 1st Half (ID 30) → Break Time (ID 80) → Overtime 2nd Half (ID 32) → From here there are two options:

  • In case the match was determined after overtime is played, the period will change to Full-time after overtime (ID 101) - followed by Finished status. All FT markets including overtime will get settled

  • In case the match wasn't determined, and the period will change to Full time after overtime (ID 101) → Penalties (ID 50) → Full time after penalties (ID 102) - followed by Finished status. - all FT markets including overtime will get settled

In some other tournaments, there is no overtime, and the event will go to a penalty shootout straight after the full-time, period changes will go as follows

NSY → ATS → IP → 1st Half (ID 10) → Break Time (ID 80) → 2nd Half (ID 20) → Full time (ID 100) → Penalties (ID 50) → Full time after penalties (ID 102) - followed by Finished status. all FT markets including overtime will get settled

Note: Period and status are two different things, the status refers to the fixture lifecycle while the period types are the phases of the event during the In-Progress status which you can find here

Last updated