Initial Guide

SDK Capabilities Overview

The TRADE360 SDK provides a robust set of tools for developers to efficiently integrate with the TRADE360 feed, enabling smooth interaction with all TRADE360 APIs such as the Snapshot and Customer API (Metadata, Subscription, Distribution)

This SDK simplifies the integration and allows you to take advantage of the full range of features available within the TRDE360 platform.

Key Features and Functionalities:

  1. Feed Integration

    • Effortlessly connect to the TRDE360 feed, supporting both PreMatch and InPlay packages.

    • Entity handlers for all TRADE360’s message types,

  2. Snapshot API

    • A simplified interface for fetching real-time snapshot data, allowing recovery from the latest state.

    • Handles HTTP requests and responses, including all relevant endpoints for both PreMatch and InPlay data.

  3. Customers API

    • Manage customer data seamlessly with endpoints to control distribution, metadata access, and subscription handling.

    • Features include starting/stopping distribution, retrieving league and sports metadata, and subscribing to specific events or leagues.

Supported SDKs

Refer to the respective language-specific SDK for step-by-step installation and setup instructions:

Last updated