Integration process

Getting Started

Before you get started, please take note of the following important steps:

  • API Token: To get your API token, navigate to the Backoffice app. From there, go to "User Management" and then "API Tokens". You'll be able to generate your token there.

  • Market Mapping: You'll need to map your markets using the "Market Mapping" screen.

Installing the Application

Include the following script tags at the end of the head element in your HTML:

  1. Add the following script tags at the end of the head element:

<script type="module" src="" async></script>
<script nomodule src="" async></script>

2. Add lsports-sec html tag at the end of the body element:



Initialization your widget

You'll need to set the required attributes in your JavaScript code to use the widget. Here's how to do


const widget = document.querySelector('lsports-sec');
// api token is required in order to use the widget
widget.apiToken = '123';
// a list of up to 10 mapped fixtures
widget.fixtures = [...];

Updating your widget

Pay Attention

To keep the widget updated and identical to the host application, the fixtures attribute must always be updated.

It's essential to keep the widget updated to match the host application. The "fixtures" attribute must

be always updated. To do this, create a new reference of the array and pass it to the "fixtures"

property: widget.fixtures = [...updatedFixtures];

Remember to remove any finished fixtures, suspended or removed markets/bets, and update bet

odds changes in the fixtures. If a user selects a bet in the widget or on the host website and the bet

is successfully added to the bet slip, the "selected" property should be updated. This ensures the

information in the widget remains identical to what is shown on the host application.

Widget usage

Below is a basic usage example for the widget:

// First query the element
const widget = document.querySelector('lsports-sec');
// Events
widget.addEventListener('secBetClick', ev => console.log(ev.detail));
// Methods

Custom Trigger

The widget comes with a default trigger element that can be replaced with your own HTML element

Passing a custom element automatically hides the default one

See Example:

<button id='custom'>Click me!</button>
<lsports-sec trigger='custom'></lsports-sec>

Widget Configuration


The properties listed below can be used to modify the behavior and appearance of the widget:



refresh() => Promise<void>

Reload the widget's configuration


Type: Promise<void>

toggle() => Promise<void>

Toggles the open state of the widget


Type: Promise<void>

CSS Custom Properties

Properties that allow to configure the Widget Fonts, Colors...


Structures that should be passed to the widget's properties.

Refer to the original guide for detailed descriptions and examples of Fixture, Market, Bet, Entity, and Bet Click Event interfaces.

Remember to replace the placeholders with your actual information when implementing the steps in

your environment. Enjoy exploring the functionalities of your new widget!

interface Fixture {
  id: string
   * ISO 8601 date string
  date: string
   * on standard fixtures, expected a tuple of participants,
   * on outright fixtures an unlimited number of participants can be provided.
  participants: Entity[]
  markets: Market[]
  league: Entity
  sport: Entity
   * optional display name for localization purposes. if not provided and there are 2 participants, it will be `participant[0] x participant[1]`,
   * If more than 2 participant are provided the league's `name` will be used.
  displayName?: string


interface Market extends Entity {
  bets: Bet[]


interface Bet {
  id: string
  name: string
  odds: number
   * Whether the bet is selected or not and the user already have it in his betslip.
  selected: boolean
   * Bets with lines, for example +4.5, -4.5
  line?: string
  player?: Entity
   * optional display name for the league, if not provided, the name property will be used.
   * for localization purposes.
  displayName?: string


interface Entity {
  id: string
  name: string
   * optional display name for localization purposes. If not provided, `name` property will be used.
  displayName?: string

Bet Click Event

interface BetClickEvent {
  fixtureId: string
  marketId: string
  betId: string
  selected: boolean