Tips Tracker
The Tips Tracker feature allows you to view and analyze betting tips alongside game events and incidents happened during the game. This guide will help you navigate through the Fixtures and Tips screens to track active tip performance and history.
Fixtures Screen
The fixtures screen displays all recent fixtures in descending order by time, allowing you to easily locate specific games and analyze their tips history. Use the comprehensive filtering system to narrow down fixtures based on your criteria.
Search & Export
Search: Quickly find fixtures by entering fixture ID or name
Export: Download the filtered fixture list as a CSV file for further analysis
Filter Options
Narrow down fixtures using multiple filters:
Date Range: Focus on specific time periods
Sport: Filter by different sports (e.g., Football, Basketball)
Location: Select specific regions or countries
Competition: Choose particular tournaments or leagues
Status: View fixtures by their current state:
Finished: Completed games
In-play: Currently active games
Pre-match: Upcoming games
Use "Reset Filters" to clear all selections
Fixtures Table
View a comprehensive list of fixtures with essential information:
Start Date: When the fixture begins/began
Fixture ID: Unique identifier for each game
Fixture Name: Teams or participants involved
Sport: Type of sport
Location: Where the game is/was played
Competition: Tournament or league
Status: Current game state
Click on any fixture row to access its detailed tips history.
Tips Screen
The tips screen provides a detailed view of all tips associated with the selected fixture, displaying how tips evolved throughout the game. Monitoring tip changes enable to analyze their performance over time.
Search & Export
Search: Find specific tips using tip ID or name
Export: Download the complete tips history as a CSV file
View Controls
Toggle between "All Tips" and "Active Tips" to focus your analysis
"All Tips": See the complete history including removed tips
"Active Tips": Focus on currently valid tips only
Tips Timeline
A vertical timeline showing tip activity during the fixture:
Click on any point in time to see what tips were added and removed at that point
Easily track when tips were added or removed
Understand how tips evolved as the game progressed
Tips Table
Comprehensive view of tips with key information:
Tip ID: Unique identifier for each tip
Market Name: Type of bet market
Market ID: Unique market identifier
Bet Name: Specific betting option
Line: Betting line value
Tip Content: Detailed tip information
Status: Current tip state
Active: Tips currently available on the website
Added: New tips that became relevant
Removed: Tips that are no longer applicable
The status helps you understand which tips were considered relevant at different game stages and track how betting opportunities evolved during the fixture.
Last updated
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