Trading Floor

The trading floor is a monitoring screen where you can trade and configure fixtures while they are close to their start date in PreMatch and live in InPlay.

Fixtures' workflow:

  • Only after a 'Fixture message' was sent, the fixture will be appeared on the Trading Floor page.

  • The Trading floor page displays all ordered fixtures with the following criteria:

    • InPlay: All ordered fixtures with the following states:

      • About to start

      • In Progress

      • Lost Coverage

      • Interrupted

    • PreMatch: All ordered fixtures with the following states:

      • NSY

      • About To Start

  • Package expired behavior: If you've ordered fixtures, but your package expired, a popup message will notify you and the relevant tab or tabs will be disabled.

  • If you have ordered fixtures, but they haven’t started yet, no fixtures will appear on the Trading floor- Inplay table.

  • If you configured a data limit on the ordered fixture, the fixture won't be displayed until the time reaches the configured date limit. Once the ordered fixture is within the limit you will start to receive messages on the fixtures and it will displayed on the trading floor as well (if it meets the above criteria of status etc.).

  • If you did not order any fixtures, no fixtures will appear on the Trading floor table.

  • By default, all the fixtures are ordered according to the start date, which means that the earlier fixture will be in the top row (both in PreMatch and InPlay).

Main markets:

For each sport type, TRADE360 displays 3 main markets:

  • 1X2 or 12

  • Under/Over

  • Asian Handicap

Markets with lines (U/O and AH) will display mainline only.

  • In case you didn’t subscribe to one of these markets, TRADE360 will not display any odds for this specific market.

Bets' indication:

  • A short blink animation:

  • Red/green color which will indicate in case the price is going down/up respectively.

  • Suspended bets – greyed with strikethrough

Specify the column ‘Score’:

For inplay, the first column is: Score – period, by minute, and score of the fixture

  • If during the game, the fixture receives ‘interrupted’ status or ‘lost coverage’ status, will be displayed the status value instead of the period.

Clicking on the ‘Odds settings’ button from the Trading flor screen:

  • TRADE360 displays an odds settings popup with the current fixture settings and hierarchy.

Last updated

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