Connection and Consumption setup
Connecting to LSports RabbitMQ
So you've started to implement LSports services via RMQ, great choice! Let's get your connection running with a few simple steps.
This guide is intended to provide a better understanding of how the LSports Support team works to resolve issues in a timely manner and with minimal effort on your part.
Step-by-step instructions:
The following example refers to these credentials: Username: MyEmail Password: Passw0rd1234 Package: 102030 (You should use the credentials provided by LSports)
Note: All examples below are written in C#.
Should you choose to implement your own code, you will need to get the RMQ library Here.
Please be aware that LSports currently uses version
Start off by making sure that your package is enabled by sending an API call as follows:
InPlay Package:
Prematch Package:
Please know that you can also disable your package if you are in need of turning it off by changing the "EnablePackage" to "DisablePackage" as follows:
InPlay Package:
Prematch Package:
If the package was already enabled/disabled then the message should contain "Value was already set". For any other status or error message, please recheck your credentials or contact us.
Create a connection factory as follow:
Create a connection as follows:
Create a model as follows:
Configure the quality of service:
Consume message:
Start message consumption:
(make sure to type in your package ID using underscores ('_') as described) For example, if the package ID was “102030”
From here you should be able to pull up your RMQ connection and start receiving Heartbeat messages.
Full Snapshot Request
As updates coming through RMQ to you are deltas only before you start consuming messages coming from LSports, you should request a snapshot of the data you should be receiving. You can do so by making an API call to the following:
Inplay Snapshot - Provides data for all events that are currently in play.
Prematch Get events - Provides data for the requested event(s).
Possible error types
Note: If the queue reaches 10000 unread/unpacked messages it will be automatically purged and your package will be disabled.
Most failed connection attempts occur due to incorrect credentials or incorrect connection details. Here are the most common errors and possible solutions:
"Connection failed" - Please check that the connection details i.e. Connection factory, RMQ host, VirtualHost are typed correctly. "Access refused"- Please check that your package is enabled and that the login credentials and package ID were typed correctly.
We do not recommend utilizing more than 1 consumer per feed (Prematch/InPlay), if you are insisting on using multiple consumers, be aware of the following:
The messages will be received in a round-robin fashion, the data will be distributed equally among all existing consumers
We have witnessed message loss while customers were using multiple consumers.
For an in-depth explanation of our data structure, you may continue reading our documentation. Now all you need to do is, to start ordering our sports data according to your specific needs.
Message Deserializing
The data you receive via RabbitMQ arrives as an array of bytes. The array of bytes has to be deserialized in order for it to become readable. The deserialization method depends on the format that you have selected to get the data in. If the format you have selected is JSON/XML – Simply decode the message as follows:
If you are using the Binary format, you will need to perform deserialization using Protocol Buffers.
Protocol buffers are Google's language-neutral, platform-neutral, extensible mechanism for serializing structured data. You define how you want your data to be structured once, then you can use special generated source code to easily write and read your structured data to and from a variety of data streams and using a variety of languages.
Market/Bet Message Handling
In order to decrease the size of the messages sent and improve message transferring speed, all messages are sent in delta formats – meaning only changes will be sent to you.
Every message will hold a reference to the Fixture, Market, and Bet (see Markets section) that they belong to.
The following is a snapshot message for 1X2 market:
The message is linked to Fixture Id 3115994 as seen in the example above.
A delta message will be sent as follows:
This message contains the Id of the Fixture as a reference, as did the previous message, but the only bet in it is the updated one. In this example, the price of the bet “1” bet was updated.
Last updated