Market View

Welcome to the Market view screen guide. Here you'll find all covered markets for the fixture with all covered providers for each and every one of them. We'll walk you through the actions you can do on this screen, including how to choose a specific market, filter by the relevant providers, and add some markets with a shortcut button.

*The first market you will see is the same market that is displayed on the main screen for each sports type

Market selection:

  • To select another market, click on the 'Select market' input

  • Then, click on the name of the wanted market

    • By choosing a different market- the provider list in the 'filter provider' dropdown will be updated according to the market coverage

Choose 'favorites markets' from the market's list:

  • Next to each market in the market list, we have a 'star' button. By clicking on this button, you can select up to 5 markets to have a shortcut for them in the 'Market view' screen.

Choosing a market with lines:

  • Clicking on the 'select line' input will open a dropdown list that will include all the optional lines

  • Once you will select the line:

    • The market tables will change according to your selection

    • By default- all the lines will be selected

For racing sports: Horse Racing, Trotting, Greyhounds, and Equine sport (on prematch)

  • For each round, there is a dedicated round button. clicking on each round button will display the round-supported markets.

  • The default round that will be displayed is the one that has the closes start time

    • If the round was passed, the round button will be disabled

  • The round metadata:

    • The round metadata is displayed as follows:

      • Race number

      • Race start time

      • Competition name

      • Fixture name

      • Type

      • Distance

      • Category

      • Age from

      • Place Odds Factor

      • Place Number

  • For racing sports, you can select your wanted market and providers as well with the 'select market' and 'filter provider' inputs

    • Market 'Race winner' is displayed by default